Benefits of a Trust Model

Documenting your security and trust model assumptions:

What to Include

Spend some time brainstorming the assumptions and accepted risks upon which your project is built; these are often things that are not completely under your project’s control. You should also briefly describe any mitigation steps you are proactively taking and the justification for any accepted risks.


Trust Models don’t have to be super formal! Here’s an example of a very brief trust model:

We assume that the owner is not malicious, that the Chainlink oracles won't lie about the token price, that the Chainlink oracles will always report the price at least once every 24 hours, that all tokens that the owner approves are ERC20-compliant tokens with no transfer hooks, and that there will never be a chain reorg of more than 30 blocks".

Here’s another example that goes into a bit more detail about the trusted roles:

Trusted roles:

<aside> ℹ️ It can also be useful to add your threat model here so our auditors can reference it.
