Including a comprehensive test suite for Solidity contracts is a critical step in ensuring the security and reliability of your smart contracts. A well-structured test suite not only aids in verifying the correctness of your code but also plays a pivotal role in helping auditors to understand the intent and expected behavior of your contracts. By encompassing a wide range of scenarios and edge cases, the test suite provides auditors with a clear map of how your contract is intended to function. This understanding is vital for auditors to accurately identify vulnerabilities and potential security risks within the context of your project's specific goals and objectives.

Write meaningful unit tests, aiming for 100% coverage

Use a coverage tool and be sure to incorporate tests for the following:

<aside> ‼️ Pay special attention to complicated code and value transfers.


Write integration tests

Isolated features are now more likely to do what you think they do. In a complex system however, more is needed. Ideally, test how they affect the entire system.

Write fuzz tests using Forge or Echidna

A good fuzz test should run on a large enough range of inputs and include as many state transition assertions as possible.

Use mainnet forking to test deployed external dependencies

This is a crucial step to ensure the compatibility and reliability of your smart contract. It allows you to simulate real-world interactions and assess how your contract interacts with live external systems, helping to uncover potential issues and verify the contract's behavior in a production-like environment.